Oakville Zen Meditation

Welcome ...

Zen Master & Dharma teacher G.Arnaud Painvin MD and Late Catherine Painvin MD are pleased to welcome you. We are providing mindfulness meditation classes 3 times per week which includes silent sitting meditation followed by teaching called Dharma talk and finally Q&A and discussion.

You have access to all Dharma Talks since November 2014. We are open to everyone and our classes are free. For more detailed information about our meditation classes you can find out more About Us.  If you are interested in joining our mailing list please Subscribe to our newsletter below.

Short quote from late little dog called Shih Tzu who was one of my best Zen Master:

“ I am not special, not dogmatic, do not walk on water, don’t take myself too seriously, make mistakes all the times and enjoy wonderful questions and challenges from students so I can learn from them. My job and joy is to try to help others with their struggles the best I can through the practice of meditation and the teaching of Zen Buddhism philosophy”.

As you may know Zen Buddhism is not based on faith per-se, doctrines, dogmas or scriptures but rather on strong spiritual practice based on daily mindfulness meditation, understanding down to earth existential philosophy and practice, both of them designed specifically to alleviate our suffering and its 3 main sources ( desire/I want, hatred / I don't want and delusion/illusion), and, finally, based on pure common sense. We do not preach a so-called divine truth but just factual realities of life and their subsequent wisdoms. Finally, we are against any proselytism, that is to say, to convert people's beliefs such as religious, political or others.

Everyone is welcome ...

Dharma Lecture

   Setting up your own GPS Here is a metaphor: Live your life like a wise captain who is steering her/his boat, and setting the course when necessary, but also letting the wind, waves, and current do most of the work. If you stand at the helm, and try to force the rudder against every wave, [&hel...
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513: Our main affliction Jul 15th 24
OUR MAIN AFFLICTION The following is an adaptation of Thich Nhat Hanh’s Dharma teaching.  Our main afflictions in this modern world are not suffering per se, or any kind of negative feelings.  Our main affliction is that we don’t know how to handle suffering, its causes, and consequences c...
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512: Awakening: what is it & how to experience it July 13th 24
 Awakening: what is it? & how to experience it? What is it?  Being Awakened or Enlightened means to free ourselves from our permanent daydreaming state  that is, not being a prisoner of our wandering mind-made fictional world main source of “suffering”.  How?    1)Dire...
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511 The Second Noble Truth Part 2 : delusion & illusion July 6th 24 by Miranda
The Second Noble Truth (Part 2) Last time we were talking about the second noble truth, we started to examine the cause of Dukkha. The Buddha mentioned greed, aversion, and delusion as the three poisons, which bring problems for us and in the world. Today we will look at delusion or ignorance as one...
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