Oakville Zen Meditation


Schedule & venues

THREE meditation classes with Dharma teaching/week....totally free.


MAPLE GROVE UNITED CHURCH 346 Maple Grove Drive Oakville.

Plenty of parking. Go around to get to the main entrance in the back and follow the signs.

1 -  MONDAYS:  19:00 (7:00 pm) sharp

2-  SATURDAYS: 10:00 am sharp

You will be informed of any sudden changes via email.

We do not pay any rental fees to the church, so, be generous with your donation:

1 Directly via the church website: maplegroveunitedchurch.org

2 Via e-transfer at helloarnaud@gmail.com

3 In the donation bag at the entrance of the classroom.

For more information please click on contact on the home page and we will answer you.