Here is a very short list of suggested readings. You do not need more.
1-On Buddhism:Buddhism for dummies. Excellent book indeed.
2- On Zen & Zen philosophy / practice:
What is Zen? by Zen Master Alan Watts.
From Zen Master Tchich Nhat Hanh, excellent author and great Zen Master
Peace in every step: The path of the mind
You are here: the magic of the present moment
From Zen Master Charlotte Joko Beck:
Everyday Zen
Nothing special: Living Zen
FromZen Master Seng Sahn: Only don’t know mind
Zen by Osho
+ Many books from the Dalai lama; philosophy of Life practice at its best.
3- On Zen meditation:
Zen Meditation in plain English: John Daishin Buksbazen
Zen meditation: plain & simple: Albert Low
4- On Mindfulness:
Mindfulness in plain English by Vene. Henepola Gunaratana
Breath by breath by Larry Rosenberg . Ed Shambhala 1999
Clinical handbook to mindfulness by Fabrizio Didonna.
5- How meditation works: medical review:
The healing power of meditation by Andy Fraser Ed 2013. Excellent & first mufti-disciplinary approach on meditation including Zen Masters, physicians, neuro- physiologists, etc....
A short but excellent review. But we still don’t know how exactly how meditation works.
6- Web sites:
They are many and most of them pretty bad if not dangerous.
My #1 choice: . I knew very well the founder Zen Master Chon TRI who passed away few years ago.The site is now run by his sons. Excellent and comprehensive review of history of meditation, world wide practice and beneficial effects. More than 200 references/ bio
7- Youtube:
4 min. intro to Zen
A wonderful description of Zen philosophy, a must listen many times.
There are many others references. Please contact me.