Oakville Zen Meditation
#102. What is real and what is not: a Zen perspective Part 1.28MAR16 

I have been requested to talk about what is real and what is not. After some hesitations here are few thoughts. When asked to define reality and non-reality the Buddha replied in many ways often contradicting himself. Maybe his contradictions had a purpose since he did not like metaphysical or philosophical stuff, preferring being down to […]

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#101. Forgiveness: A Zen perspective.21MAR16  

When asked why he forgave the Chinese for taking Tibet and its temples and why he did not express any anger and resentment against them the Dalai Lame replied: “They took everything but I don’t want them to take my mind. By forgiving I am keeping my mind clear and serene”. One of the common […]

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#100. The meaning of impermanence: a Zen perspective.14MAR16.

The key teaching of Zen Buddhism is the teaching of impermanence also called transiency or ongoing change. Look at yourself and around you and you will see that everything changes continuously and forever. Around 300 millions cells died every minute in your body. Not 100% of them are replaced, this is aging. No living beings, no trees, […]

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#99. Self, No self and the Web of Life.7MAR16

How do we define the “self”? The way we define and delimit Self that is you, others and me living beings is very arbitrary and restrictive. This “individual self” is a living biological organism made of around 30 Trillions of cells made of 7 x 10 power 27 molecules. This self is capable of moving, […]

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