Oakville Zen Meditation
#186 Self-compassion is not self-pity July 30 17

                                               Self-compassion is not self-pity The word compassion comes from the French compassion and before Latin word “compati” /compasio:   com= together, pati or patio = suffering /pain. The exact meaning is “ suffering with”. The Dalai Lama is advocating over and over learning and expressing compassion first for self so we can to […]

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#185: Why it is so hard to stay happy all the time? July 23th 17

                                              Why it is so hard to stay happy all the time? It is a fact: all of us are experiencing mood swings up down, up down, all the time. There are many obvious reasons to be down and depressed such as when a disaster is striking but our mind can be moody even without […]

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#184 Past-Present-Future: a dialogue with Harish Verma (Sat. group)

Here is a great question from Harish Verma, one of our Sat. meditation group. Re your talk on Saturday, I fully understand and agree with the importance of remaining in "the present". I also realize that devoting your attention to the past and the future can sap away the dynamism and vitality you need for […]

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#183 Present moment: why it is important?

    Present moment: why it is important?   2500 years old Zen Buddhism and now modern medical research are stressing the beneficial impacts of living in the present moment and be mindful to its various components. What is the present moment? It is just now, not 3 min. before, not five min. after. Based on […]

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#182 Finding happiness: why it is so hard?

                             Do you know why it is so hard to stay happy all the time"?   1) Maybe it is because we refuse to accept then let go of the things that make us sad,      angry, jealous, resentful and worried and for which there is almost no solution.       Accepting is not failing, it […]

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#181 AWAKENING: what is it exactly?

                                                        Awakening: what is it exactly? Siddharta Gautama nickname the Buddha was born on 623 BCE. He was the son of a local king near the current border of India and Nepal. This […]

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#180 MEDITATION: how do I know I am progressing? July 2nd 17

                                                Meditation: How do I know I am progressing? The purpose of meditation is to improve our quality of life that is 1) being able to have a better control of our stress and 2) to control our restless […]

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