Oakville Zen Meditation
#219 Black, White and Shades of grey by Harish (Sat. member) March 25th 18

                             Black, White and Shades of Grey by Harish member of our Sat. group In our journey through life, we are constantly making decisions and passing judgments on one issue or another. The result of this process subjects us to emotional highs and lows. So how do we cope with the suffering brought on by […]

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#218 MINDFULNESS on DESIRE March 11th 18

                                                            Mindfulness on desire In Zen Buddhism, desire (I want), it opposite hatred (I don’t want)and illusion are considered our 3 main roots of unhappiness, struggle, disappointment and dissatisfaction because they are directly related to our ego-mind. Many think that Zen spiritual life must be free from desire. This is misunderstanding Zen message. Desire and […]

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#217 BEING MINDFUL TO .......NOTHINGNESS March 1st 18

                                                    Being mindful to .......nothingness Being mindful to nothingness. This is one of these weird, and obscure wordings frequently found in Zen literature. How can we be mindful to nothing since being mindful is to focus on something x, y, z w/o analytic, discriminating or judgmental decision? What is nothing? Here are few examples: Can […]

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