Oakville Zen Meditation
#441 About "Interbeing", its meaning and the concept of "No-Self" March 31 23

How many triangles do you see in this picture? Unless you’re being cheeky, you’d probably say five. Now imagine that you take one of the small outer triangles - say, the one on the top - and slide it away from the group. You move that triangle somewhere else: When you did that, what happened […]

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#440 Mindfulness revisited March 26th 23

   What Is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is paying attention purposefully without analysis, judgment, feeling, and decision, of what is happening in your mind, body, and environment in the present moment. Mindfulness is both a mind-body state and the practice of active awareness where and when you want for the purpose of just being aware. The best analogy […]

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#439 Role of choice; a Zen perspective by Gaurav March 19th 23

We will start this dharma talk with a one-minute exercise. For the next one minute, you are welcome to do anything…sit, move, keep your eyes closed or open. But only one condition, you shall not speak. How did people feel after the exercise? Everyone made at least 2 choices. The choice to not speak out […]

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#438 The game of naming; a Zen perspective March 12 23

  The naming game                This talk is part of a series called: Practicing mindfulness on the go” The naming or labeling game is an addiction affecting all of us all the time. As soon as something/somebody is perceived from our eyes, ears, touch, taste smell, or just from actual experience, it is named, interpreted, analyzed,  judged, […]

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