Oakville Zen Meditation
#340 What is Zen ? Mar. 28 21

         What is Zen? Zen is so simple that any attempt to describe it with words is doomed to confuse people simply because Zen means experiencing the concrete reality of the moment that is in the NOW. Zen is made of: What we are: 1) Our relative self is a daydreamer, experiencing fictional reality under […]

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#339 Taking our sadness for a ride Mar. 21 21

                                         Taking our sadness for a ride Sadness is a frequent emotion to endure. When severe and persistent it may become depression. Sometimes there is a good reason for being sad but, most often there is no reason at all. We can wake up sad or happy w/o any obvious reason.   If somebody near […]

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#338 I don't know but I know that.....by Harish Mar. 14 21

                          I DON’T KNOW BUT I THINK THAT.... This is a follow up on a recent Dharma Talk by Arnaud on building confidence during insecurity and incertitude. Zen perspective is based upon trying to understand the mechanics of how the mind operates so that we end up controlling the mind, rather than the mind controlling […]

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#337 Is suffering really necessary? March 7th 21

            Is suffering really necessary? During his 50 years of verbal teaching, the main message of the Buddha was that life is suffering. Suffering been understood in its generic meaning that is negativity. Was the Buddha a masochistic man? Not at all. In fact he was enjoying good times like anyone else. Suffering comes from […]

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