What mindful people do & think differently from others Part 1
Mindful people try to live in the moment because this is the only time where we are alive; past and future are only on calendars, they are immaterial therefore fictional.
“Past you is dead & “Future you” is not born. They are just thoughts.
So, you exist only in the NOW, the only concrete reality, the rest is virtual reality..We cannot be alive in 3 different space-time
Mindful people try to live in the moment because this is the only time where we are alive; past and future are only on calendars, they are immaterial therefore fictional.
“past you is dead & “future you” is not born.
They try to keep their mind and body together, that is at the same space-time & doing the same thing
Ex: when they brush their teeth, their mind is with the brush and not elsewhere doing
whatever such as thinking about work, next weekend, vacations, etc...
→→Check where your mind is and what he is doing when you do routine, automatic stuff?
They turn each task into a mindful moment wherever this moment is exciting, boring or routine or whatever.
They focus and do only one thing at a time, avoiding multi-tasking at the same time.
They enjoy every bit when eating that is their mind is eating as well as their mouth.
They don’t believe all their thoughts and never took all of them too seriously unless when necessary.
They judge only when a decision has to be made or when requested by someone.
Otherwise, they don’t bother: things, people and events are just as they are and not as they want them to be. Don't clutter your mind with unnecessary opinions.
They don’t try to fight, fuel and deny their emotions. However, they always accept them as first step before dealing with them.
They understand that all things including themselves come and go. Everything is transient (non permanent), otherwise life would be impossible.
They accept that almost nothing around them is under their control even when their ego says otherwise.
They are curious to everything and practice an open mind that is rejecting being trapped in a mindset prison made of concepts, opinions and judgment whatever religious or not.